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Sawdust Session 24:
September 13, 2008
Replacing and repairing the major parts and sub-assemblies of
the quill and quill feed inf an older Mark V headstock,
making a finger plane, tips and techniques for biscuit joinery, and
how to set up you Shopsmith for shaping.. Plus Drew's interludes (naturally).
To view each topic, click on the photos. |
Rebuilding the Quill and Quill Feed -- In Part 4 of
Shopsmith Reborn, Nick shows how to replace the quill and
the quill feed, how to replace or re-attach the quill spring,
and how to re-tension the quill feed. |
2. Making a Finger Plane --
Many of you have asked about Nick's "violin plane" -- a handy
tool if ever there was on. Unfortunately, there are hard to find
and ridiculously expensive when you do. But here's how to make
your own. FREE PLANS! |
3. Setting Up
the Shaper -- You never knew you had so many shaping
choices. You can shape with the Mark V horizontal or vertical,
with our without a speed increaser, using a split fence or rub
collars to guide your work. We demo all the options. |
Drew's Interludes -- Besides
being an accomplished woodworker, Drew is also a very capable
machinist, and he offers some sound advice for working with
metals -- Marking on Metals and
Drilling Sheet Metal Safely. |
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