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Sawdust Session 24:  September 13, 2008
Topics: Replacing and repairing the major parts and sub-assemblies of the quill and quill feed inf an older Mark V headstock, making a finger plane, tips and techniques for biscuit joinery, and how to set up you Shopsmith for shaping.. Plus Drew's interludes (naturally).

To view each topic, click on the photos.

1. Rebuilding the Quill and Quill Feed -- In Part 4 of Shopsmith Reborn, Nick shows how to replace the quill and the quill feed, how to replace or re-attach the quill spring, and how to re-tension the quill feed. 2. Making a Finger Plane -- Many of you have asked about Nick's "violin plane" -- a handy tool if ever there was on. Unfortunately, there are hard to find and ridiculously expensive when you do. But here's how to make your own. FREE PLANS!
3. Setting Up the Shaper -- You never knew you had so many shaping choices. You can shape with the Mark V horizontal or vertical, with our without a speed increaser, using a split fence or rub collars to guide your work. We demo all the options. 3. Drew's Interludes -- Besides being an accomplished woodworker, Drew is also a very capable machinist, and he offers some sound advice for working with metals -- Marking on Metals and Drilling Sheet Metal Safely.

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