how to use The Classroom

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Each of the presentations in this VBook takes place inside a "virtual classroom" that is created in your web browser. This classroom organizes and displays information from several sources -- text, images, videos, voice, software, the Internet, and others -- to create a unique educational adventure. For a quick video tour of the classroom, click HERE.

Note: Set your browser security controls to "Allow Active Content" to better enjoy the presentations. 

The Screen The Blackboard Shop Notes Masthead and Navigation Bar

The Screen

The video part of this adventure is a Quicktime stream that plays in the upper left-hand frame. To view the videos and use the interactive features,  you must have a recent browser with a Quicktime plug-in (Quicktime 7.4.5 or later for best results). You can download a free copy from Apple's Download Center. The video controls are located at the bottom of the frame. To enlarge the video, you must have Quicktime Pro (available from Apple for a fee).

Note: Enlarging the video screen may not help you see additional detail. The classroom video files play at a resolution of 400x300. For the best possible detail, watch the DVD videos. In this format, the resolution is 720x480.

The Screen plays Windows Media Video (.wmv) files. Video Controls

shop Notes

Beneath the video frame in another that displays "Shop Notes." These are a detailed outline of the information presented in the video. Scroll though them as the demonstration progresses to better follow the material. Or, click on the numbers in the left-hand column to review a particular step. For a hard copy of these notes, click the link just under the frame title and print out the text that appears.

Note: To access the printable files under Shop Notes and the Blackboard, you must have a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

A printable version of the Shop Notes in a seperate window as an Acrobat(.pdf) file.

The BLAckboard

Images, plans, and other relevant information are presented on the "Blackboard."
  • To see an image, move your cursor over its number on the blackboard.
  • If an enlarged version of the image is available, the number will appear in orange instead of yellow. Click on the orange number to see the large image.
  • In some enlarged images, additional information will appear as callouts as you move your cursor over the image. Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
  • Scroll down into the grey area of the blackboard for plans, resources, and other materials. Click the links to see them. For a hard copy, print them out.
The enlarged image appear in a seperate window. Hint: You may want to pause the video while you study it.

Internet Connections

Some of the materials in the Shop Notes or on the Blackboard may contain hyperlinks to sites on the Internet. There are also links to the Internet on this page and several others. All of these links are active, but for them to work when you click the links, your computer must be connected to the Internet. If you want to know the Internet address (URL) to a which a link leads or you want to copy the URL for future use, right-click on it and select "Properties." Hyperlink Another Hyperlink

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