Session #24:
September 13, 2008
- Shopsmith Reborn, Part 3:
Rebuilding the Quill Feed
- Making a Finger Plane
- Setting Up the Shaper
- Plus Drew's Interludes
Session #23: August
9, 2008
- Shopsmith Reborn, Part 3:
Rebuilding the Drive Train
- Band Saw Lumbering
- Digital Drilling
- Egg Carton Storage
- Plus Drew's Interludes
Session #22: June
28, 2008
- Working with Wood
- Truing the Table to
the Drill Chuck
- Shopsmith Reborn,
Part 2: Cleaning and Inspection
- Plus Drew's
Session #21:
June 14, 2008
- Making Cove Moldings
- Cutting Irregular Shapes
- Using the Pneumatic Drum
- Shopsmith Reborn, Part
1: Bargain or Basket Case?
- Plus Drew's Interludes.
Session #20:
May 24, 2008
- Ripping Bevels/Outfeed
- Clamping Oddly-Shaped
- Joining Mitered
- Setting Planer Knives
- Plus Drew's Interludes.
Session #19: May 10,
- Cutting Bevel Miters
- Making Angled Dadoes
- Making Compound
- Plus Drew's
Sawdust Session
April 26, 2008
- Making a
Laptop Desk with a "breadboard" lid
- Routing finger joints with a shopmade jig,
- Routing stopped or "blind" joints.
- Plus Drew's Interludes.
Sawdust Session #17:
April 12, 2008
- Making curved turnings
with the Ringmaster
- Types of mortises and
tenons and how to make them
- Routing stopped or
"blind" joints on the router table.
- Replacing the Mark V
Speed Control.
- Plus Drew's Interludes.
Sawdust Session #16:
March 22, 2008
- Installing Doors and
Drawers in a built-in cabinet.
- Making wooden drawer
- Applying plastic
- Using and sharpening
cabinet scrapers.
- Plus Drew's Interludes.
Sawdust Session #15:
March 15, 2008
- Making band saw boxes.
- Choosing and using band
saw blades.
- Setting up and using the
Shopsmith molder head.
- Installing a Lift Assist
to the Mark V.
- Plus Drew's Interludes.
Sawdust Session #14:
February 23, 2008
- Making "segmented" bowls
with the Ringmaster
- Thickness sanding with
the Shopsmith Conical Disc.
- Preventing and Removing
- Plus Drew's Interludes
Sawdust Session #13:
February 9, 2008
- Laminate wood bending
- Coping-and-sticking
joints for curved cabinet doors.
- Aligning the auxiliary
tables on you Mark V.
- Plus Drew's Interludes.
Sawdust Session #12:
January 26, 2008
- Handling and cutting
sheet materials.
- Cutting joinery in
- Tuning up the Shopsmith
Belt Sander
- Making a roll-around
Clamp Caddy.
- Plus Drew's Interludes.
Sawdust Session #11:
January 12, 2008
- Turning bowls from
single boards with the Ringmaster.
- Making finger joints on
the band saw.
- Cleaning and lubricating
the Mark V.
- Making a "Wind Harp."
- Plus Drew's Interludes.
Sawdust Session #10:
December 29, 2007
- Sharpening hand tools
with the Strip Sander.
- Making "turned cabriole"
- Thickness Planer tune-up
- Applying wipe-on
Sawdust Session #9:
December 8, 2007
- Designing a
dustcolection system.
- Making decorative
turnings from laminated stock.
- Creating holiday
ornament of the Scrollsaw.
- Choosing the proper saw
Sawdust Session #8:
November 24, 2007
- Routing and shaping
turned work on the Overarm Router.
- Turning pens and
- Making decorative
splined joints.
- Using the magnetic rules
of the Shopsmith Model 520.
Sawdust Session #7:
November 10, 2007
- Replacing and tensioning
the Mark V quill
- Pin routing with the
Overarm Router.
- Sanding inside shapes
with the Strip Sander.
- Mounting and turning
Sawdust Session #6:
October 27, 2007
- An overview of the Sand
Flee finish sander
- Sanding test, comparing
the Sand Flee with other finish sanders.
- Basic marquetry
- A knife-setting jig for
the Jointer.
Sawdust Session #5:
October 13, 2007
- Thickness planing tips
and tricks.
- Cutting decorative
shapes with the Overarm Router.
- Sanding
three-dimensional shapes and curves.
- Turning precise tapers.
Sawdust Session #4:
September 29, 2007
- Replacing and tensioning
the belts in the Mark V headstock.
- Making simple joinery
with the Overarm Router.
- Sharpening lathe chisels
with the Sharpening Guide.
- An introduction to
veneering techniques.
Sawdust Session #3:
September 15, 2007
- Replacing the switch in
the Mark V headstock.
- An overview of the
Overarm Router.
- Making compound cuts on
the band saw.
- Using nitric acid to
stain wood.
Sawdust Session #2:
August 25, 2007
- Making small part with
- Routing dadoes and
- Making small finger
joints with a Dado Cutter.
- Resawing and
bookmatching panels.
Premiere Sawdust Session:
August 11, 2007
- Two methods of making
- Aligning the Mark V
- Using the conical disc
- Choosing and using drill